Our Worship

Worship is at 10am on Sunday mornings – except on the Fourth Sunday of the month when worship is at 5pm. We are open for in-person worship in COVID-safe ways.

Our Faith Community

We are young and old, retirees, students, refugees, those who are unemployed and those who are working. We come from many cultures and share a diversity of views as we seek, together, to be disciples of Jesus.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a Jesus community that seeks to support the arts, to advocate for justice, to provide safe space to explore questions of spirituality and ongoing opportunities to deepen discipleship.

This short film was shot, scripted, edited and produced by Olwyn Jones, who volunteered her time and skills with extraordinary generosity. We hope you enjoy watching.

The Richmond Churches Food Centre is a joint operation of St Ignatius Roman Catholic Church, St Stephen’s Anglican Church, St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church and Richmond Uniting Church and operates at the rear of St. Ignatius Church.

This ecumenical, grass roots initiative provides food security for hundreds of people each year. Our fabulous volunteers come from each of the churches, as well as the wider community.