16 May Online worship resources for Sunday 17 May
Welcome to Richmond Uniting’s Worship resources for Sunday 17 May.
We are currently not worshipping as a gathered community due to the COVID–19 pandemic – but we are still worshipping together in new ways. Below you will find a brief film introduction to the online worship, as well as an audio recording that you can be used for worship at home that includes prayer, the bible readings for 17 May and discussion. You can listen to this with others or on your own.
This week, the 6th Sunday in the Easter Season, we are invited to reflect on understandings of Holy Spirit. In John 14.15-21 Jesus does not describe Holy Spirit like wind, nor is Spirit imaged as a bird. Instead, here Jesus describes Holy Spirit as the Advocate. This week we are invited to explore what this might mean in our lives.
Listen to this week’s service using the embedded player below. You can also copy this link into your podcast player of choice if you would like to receive updates as they are released: https://anchor.fm/s/c70d97c/podcast/rss
Music Suggestions for Worship:
She Sits like a bird by John Bell and Graeme Maule (418 Together in Song)
Revolution by Kirk Franklin
Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (come O Holy Spirit come) Yoruba Traditional hymn (Nigeria) (Together in Song 711)
Wondering Questions
What images come to mind as you imagine Holy Spirit as the Advocate?
What might change for you, in how you pray and how you live out your faith, as you engage with the understanding of Spirit Holy as the Advocate?
What might the Advocate, Spirit of truth, be stirring you to notice, to name and to challenge, both within yourself and in our global community right now?