Online worship resources for Sunday 6 December

What if peace is not the absence of conflict?

This Sunday, the second Sunday in Advent, Rev Dr Sally Douglas invites us to dive into Mark 1.1-8 and to explore what peace might be, if we are followers of Jesus. Beyond the idea of peace as the absence of conflict, we are challenged to think about peace as the call to wholeness. From this perspective, living in peace may mean saying hard things and even inviting conflict, as we allow our inner truth, and God’s call to justice and compassion, to be reflected in our outer life – our words and deeds.

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Listen to this week’s service using the embedded player below. You can also copy this link into your podcast player of choice if you would like to receive updates as they are released:

Music Suggestions for Worship:

Come thou long expected Jesus by Charles Wesley
(TiS 272) this version by Red Mountain Music

Jesus Christ is waiting by John Bell
(TiS 665) this version by Chet Valley Churches

Wondering Questions

  • I wonder what you think of when you hear the word peace?
  • How might you live into more authentic peace – into wholeness and integrity – in ways in which your inner life and your outer life match up?
  • Do you find it easy to say hard things to people or do you naturally prefer to keep the (false) peace? When have you been able to do speak and act in justice and compassion even when this has brought conflict? What supports you to live into peace-as-wholeness?