Online worship resources for Sunday 21 February

With the short lockdown now lifted, we will again gather for face-to-face worship at Richmond Uniting on Sunday 21st February at 10am. Everyone is welcome. For those who cannot join us in person, below you will find online resources for worship at home.

For now, the online audio consists of the biblical reading(s) and the reflection (sermon). To accompany this, we are making available a written liturgy, composed by Rev Dr Sally Douglas, that can be utilised for worship at home on your own or with others. The simple, inclusive liturgy can be used in conjunction with the audio – the liturgy creates the shape for worship and gives space for your own prayers and then, when it comes to reading(s) and reflection listen to the audio and the wondering questions. Following this, the liturgy continues with prayers for the earth.

Download the Simple liturgy for use at home


  • Psalm 25.1–10
  • Mark 1.9–15

Facing the reality of evil

This week, the first Sunday in Lent, we journey with Jesus into the wilderness as he faces the accuser. As we explore this reading, Rev Dr Sally Douglas challenges us to face the reality of evil within our global village instead of being constantly shocked by human behaviour. In this process, she argues, we find truth and energy for the work of liberation.

Listen to this week’s service using the embedded player below. You can also copy this link into your podcast player of choice if you would like to receive updates as they are released:

Wondering Questions

  • How might you live differently if you are honest about the human capacity for evil and beauty?
  • What might loving neighbour and enemy look like, if – like Jesus – this includes naming evil and saying ‘no’ to toxic behaviour?
  • Who inspires you in the work of putting fear aside and calmly, creatively and lovingly exposing and naming evil?