What happens when we pray for others? This Sunday we are gathering via Zoom for worship at 5pm for a quiet, contemplative service. This week we will engage with the question of what happens when we pray for others. The order of worship is here so that you can join in the songs and prayers. Below you will find the Zoom...

The Upside-down power of the kingdom This Sunday 19 September we are gathering via Zoom at 10am for interactive, organic worship. We will be exploring Jesus’ disruption of understandings of power in Mark and how this connects with the letter of James - and what it might for our lives. Here is the Order of Worship so that you can join in...

Are you speaking to me? This Sunday 12 September we are gathering via Zoom at 10am for interactive, organic worship. In worship this week, as we continue to explore the letter of James (3.1-12), we are confronted with the call to think about the power of our words. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81087514084?pwd=R3owVzlEOFVyNVF4ZzBPbDRhUHlUUT09 Meeting ID: 810 8751 4084 Passcode: 855018 Here is the Order of Worship so...

The call to integration This Sunday 5 September we are gathering via Zoom for worship at 10am for interactive, organic worship. As it is Father’s Day we will be exploring understandings of God as father and we will continue to explore the letter of James (2.1-17), engaging with the idea of integration: experiencing love, speaking love and doing love. Here is the...