If you are looking forward to Christmas or dreading Christmas, if you go to church regularly or never go to church, if you are super busy or bored, you are invited to come along to Beer and Carols. This is a friendly, no pressure, event hosted by Richmond Uniting and Chalice - Northcote Uniting at the warm and inviting Wesley Anne...

All Saints' Service on the Steps 6pm Wednesday 1st November 2017 On the Richmond Uniting Church Steps - 304 Church St Richmond In a culture bereft of rituals, an opportunity to pause, remember and light a candle for loved ones who have died through overdose, through illness, through accident, through suicide.   All very welcome to attend...

Christmas Eve - Saturday 24 December Amidst the busyness take some moments for rest, reflection, prayer. Anytime between 2pm and 4pm at Richmond Uniting. Christmas Day - Sunday 25 December 9am Worship celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ. If you have been to church often or not at all you are welcome....

When I was 17 I went to my first NCYC, a big national youth convention, hosted by the Uniting Church. It was amazing to travel from Victoria to Queensland with a diverse range of people, and once there, to hang out with some two thousand other young people who were also interested in the Jesus way. Here there was space to talk...

[embed]https://vimeo.com/157559270[/embed] We are thrilled to present the Richmond Churches Food Centre film. This beautiful short was filmed, scripted, edited and produced by Olwyn Jones who has wide ranging experience in the film industry. We are grateful to Olwyn. Not only did Olwyn volunteer a great deal of time to make this film, she also volunteered at the Food Centre first,...

As the festivities - both those that were cherished and those that were endured - come to a close and we move into the rhythm of the 'normal' year, the opportunity can present itself to consider anew what life is about. Beyond the pressures of consuming, incessant status updates and busyness, questions of the heart and the spirit can tug at...

Often in the media tragedy and violence dominate the headlines. This has the consequence of giving the false impression that kindness and compassion are rare.  This can also lead to a kind of paralysing despair for people about whether things will ever be different or whether they can be part of that change. The reality is that as well as the great...

Evidence indicates that in the early Jesus movement worship was often shared in homes, and holy communion, Eucharist, the sharing in bread and wine in Jesus' name, was shared over a meal in this home based worship. At RUC we are re-engaging with this ancient practice on the first Sunday in Advent, Sunday 29th November. We will be breaking with more 'modern'...

Have you ever wanted to ask a minister, or someone who is a part of a Jesus community, a question or have a conversation with them about life, the universe and everything? This Saturday morning, the 7 November, people from RUC are going to be at the Gleadell Street Market in Richmond and here there will be space to find out...

This coming Sunday, 1 November, is All Saint’s Day. The origins of this sacred time, and of Halloween, are disputed and will probably continue to be disputed. However, what is clear from early church evidence is that the first followers of Jesus often did stand out in their communities because of their conviction that death was not the final word. This coming Sunday...